Celebrating Australians living with a disability
December 3 is the United Nations’ International Day for People with Disability (IDPwD), a day to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. Information on how you can get involved can be found here.
Since July 2018, Prestige Employment Solutions (PES) has had the privilege to work with a variety of businesses, schools and other organisations in the Gold Coast community while assisting people with disability to source and maintain meaningful employment.
Every person living with a disability is unique. Every disability — whether it’s a mental illness, physical impairment, progressive illness or a rare genetic condition — has its own challenges and barriers to overcome when pursuing a career. While every person has their own journey to employment, the PES team firmly believe that with the right support and thoughtful job creations, every person can be integrated into the workforce and make a positive contribution to the community in their own unique way.
Empowering and equipping young people with disability will continue to be the centre of PES’ service delivery. Research shows that young people with disability face the same barriers and challenges as all young people entering the workforce. Many of these can be exacerbated by their disability and they may also face a number of additional barriers, such as negative misconceptions about their ability, a lack of easily accessible information, and limited workplace experience.
Through our effective school programs, PES have had opportunities to work with some of the most committed and hard-working young people to help them achieve their employment goals and career aspirations. Visit our success stories to learn more.
Information on how businesses/industries can get involved in our programs can be found here.